
Get to know the VLearningTech Management System

VLearningTech Management System is a management system designed to minimize workload and manage your education centre more efficiently.

VLearningTech Is Suitable For

Tuition Centre
Childcare Centre
Enrichment Centre
Swimming Academy
Fitness & Gym
Dance Academy
Music School
Any Learning Centre

Simple • Effective

With VLearningTech Management System, daily tasks of education centre become automated and detailed information and reports can be accessed with ease.


VLearningTech Features

VLearningTech Management System consists of numerous Unique Features that not only reduces the workload of staff and teachers, it also helps you to manage your education centre efficiently.

Multiple Centres Monitoring System
Multiple Centres Monitoring System

Easily manage multiple branches and have control over every education centre.

Real-Time Monitoring system
Real-Time Monitoring system

Easily keep track on staffs, teachers and students attendance.

Login Accessible
Login Accessible

Admin multiple access levels, student login, guardian login and teacher login.

Lesson Planning System
Lesson Planning System

Accommodate diverse and complex schedules to avoid clashed with lessons and venue with other teacher.

Homework & Report Card
Homework & Report Card

Teacher able to assign homework and create exercises questions. Parent able to review student's homework, performance and teacher’s comment anytime.

Finance Management System
Finance Management System

Able to keep track on centre and batches monthly P&L account. Able to autogenerate monthly invoices. Able to keep track outstanding payments and notify users.

Student Reward System
Student Reward System

Points reward system.

Analytical Reports
Analytical Reports

Sales Report, Payment Report, Outstanding Report, Point Report, Product Report, Attendance Report.

Notification System
Notification System

Provide notification to users anytime.

Stay In Touch

Our team is here to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. Fill in the form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Please feel free to send us an email or even give us a call.